


UX/UI Designer
Project Lead

U of  U
Professional Education

2 Months

Sunny Portal

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I was thrilled to work on a project centered around renewable energy—an industry I find incredibly fascinating, especially the solar sector! For this project, I connected with several solar panel users who shared insights and gave me access to their data platforms. One platform stood out: Sunny Portal. While functional, it clearly needed a comprehensive redesign, improved feature set, and a more intuitive site layout to enhance usability and user experience.

I quickly discovered that many solar panel owners don’t use the databases provided by their solar companies. The primary reasons? The data is often unhelpful, difficult to interpret, and lacks key information. This presented a unique challenge: not only did the site need a complete redesign with improved functionality, but it also required innovative thinking to incorporate more valuable and user-friendly features that truly meet the needs of solar panel owners.

Design Process

Research & Discovery

Definition & Ideation

Prototype & Test

User Key Findings

Prototype Iterations

We started the design phase by conducting user interviews to better understand their pain points and challenges with the current system. These insights guided us as we performed a competitor analysis, and a heuristic analysis of the existing database website, identifying usability issues and areas for improvement. This process laid a solid foundation for the redesign. 

-  User are mostly financially motivated
- They care about their environmental impact 
- Many don't use their database much
since first installing their systems
- They often don't find the information a
vailable very useful
- Solar panel users aren't always educated on
 all the terms

We brought the user to life through a detailed persona and storyboard. Meet Sadie—a solar panel owner driven by the financial savings and environmental benefits of solar energy. Sadie dreams of a one-stop platform where she can effortlessly access her database needs, including insights into cost efficiency, environmental impact, and the overall performance of her panels.

Once we defined our user, we brainstormed and identified key features to enhance the overall user experience. Along with streamlining the site’s layout, we prioritized improving the dashboard, and adding features such as a solar glossary for learning key terms, a panel status page, a cost-efficiency calculator, and an environmental impact comparison tool.

Throughout the prototype iterations, we conducted usability tests to refine and enhance each version. These tests revealed opportunities to improve the UI and increase the visibility of the glossary feature. Additionally, we elevated the panel status page by incorporating an aerial view of the house with solar panels, adding a dynamic and user-friendly touch.

One significant improvement we made to the prototype was optimizing the site map and user flow. The original site was not very intuitive and challenging to navigate, so we focused on creating a clear and intuitive structure. Our goal was to ensure users could easily find information and make decisions seamlessly while navigating the site.

Paper Prototype


1st Iteration Hi-Fi

2nd Iteration Hi-Fi

* Content Audit of Current Site *

* User Persona *

* User Story Board *

* Brainstorming Method *

* Feature Prioritization *

* Site Map *

* User Flow *



View Figma Prototype

The solution was to create a solar panel database that users would find engaging and practical. By incorporating features like a solar glossary, a visual solar panel monitoring system, and environmental impact comparisons, we encouraged users to engage with the database more frequently. A more user-friendly database not only benefits users but also helps solar companies reach and educate a broader audience.

In conclusion, re-designing a database was a fascinating experience that pushed me to think critically about functionality and user engagement. Working within the solar industry made this project particularly meaningful to me, as it aligns with my personal values and passion for sustainability. It was rewarding to create a solution that not only improves usability but also contributes to a greater understanding of renewable energy.